Identify Your Brand with Motivational Mindset & MultiCultural Diversity
This Valentines Day episode of The Christina Silva Show will allow you to fall in love with your aspirations, your own voice and your calling on the planet through the courageous storytelling voice of Mrs. Quyenzi Dang Juel of
Quyenzi is the approachable leader ready to uplift others and recently began her public speaking adventure through partnering with APEX. At QR8 Group brand identity and messaging involves culture, diversity, and originality. With 19 years of expertise, the QR8 Group global clients are served with top tier concierge and relationship services. Meet the lovely “Group Head Assasinista”, killing the game in Creation, Curation and Communication.
Meet Maurice Wilson, Executive Director of Reboot, the program that changes lives through scientifically proven thought patterns.. Live from the tour aboard the USS IOWA, February 6, 2019, this CRS Exclusive visit revealed great news about future opportunities the men and women that have served in our US Armed Forces can discover in 3 weeks with REBOOT. Be enlightened, empowered and motivated to register to Change Your MINDSET today.