WHITE HEARTS & Veteran Charity Rides Educate & Heal America
Remember 9-11 with transparency and http://www.WhiteHearts.org. Tune in for riveting testimonies of Voluntarism on The Christina Silva Show, Educating Our Veterans on LA Talk Radio with special guests:
Ryan Sawtelle, Dave Frey, Charlene Ashton and Elke Ezpeitia
Meet Ryan Sawtelle, founded the White Heart organization to demonstrate the meaning of selfless service and to help others discover how to support severely wounded heroes with courage knowing that 100% of donation proceeds reach them in truth. At the same time we remember our freedoms, we can have Clean Riding Style on Two Wheels and Sidecars while celebrating the dedication and service our Disabled American Veterans – Combat Warriors from all eras and branches of service. Dave Frey founded the Veterans Charity Ride excursions and partners with the generosity of http://www.IndianMotorcycles.com to take the soldiers on healing tours across the Nation. The corporate sponsors are a perfect combination and therapeutic cure for our soldiers and their families to find relief.
The sacrifice of our soldier’s lives coupled with the loss of limbs is a debt we cannot repay as fellow Americans and comrades so we participate and partake in http://www.VeteranCharityRide.org to give back in the wind with NDN Dave Frey. By this measure, we realize our individual responsibility to give back in the way of safety and education.
Veterans deserve special attention while managing their transitions in phases toward home ownership, health, employment and the journey toward their degrees! Visit the elite resources at college campuses and learn more about earned benefits with California ACME. At http://www.CPP.edu, the caring experts, Charlene Ashton, Associate Director, Program Development and Elke Ezpeitia, Veteran Resource Center are ready to help military service men and women with conditioning workshops and a state-of-the-art Veterans support system at http://www.cpp.edu/~veterans/index.shtml.
The local Work Force Investment Board in your area is also a resource set aside to help veterans compose effective resumes and to gain interviewing role play skills while in the job search. Visit: http://www.workforceinvestmentworks.com/california/workforce_experts.asp for more information.
We will never ever forget the impact and resounding effects of 9-11-2001 but will unite to @BeeSafe with patriotism, love and honor for Old Glory and our fellow Americans by sharing our stories and our shoulder to cry on as we remember everyone deployed. May God Bless all motorcyclists, families, donors and sponsors that were present at the 2016 Ride To The Flags on all bikes representing America the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave amongst 2,944 flags on the lawn at Pepperdine in a spectacular tribute to our troops featuring a salute to Caleb Gretscher, Afghanistan Era, honored for his service as a triple amputee receiving a gift of track mobility and home modifications by the donations from White Hearts. Semper Fidelis